What is Art Psychotherapy?

Art Psychotherapy, also known as Art Therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that uses images and art media to communicate and process difficult thoughts and feelings. Within this context, art is not used as a diagnostic tool, but as a medium to address emotional issues, which may be confusing and distressing. 

Art objects created enable clients to develop distance and objectivity towards internal states in order to be able to process and assimilate them through reflection and verbal communication.  It enables space for non-verbal processes, to begin to develop a narrative. Art therapy is particularly useful in working with trauma as after a trauma experience the area of the brain used for language (Broca’s area) shuts down.

Taking part in art psychotherapy does not require any skill or artistic “ability”, often the process of making and using materials is more important than the final product.  Using art materials in art psychotherapy sessions is a safe and containing way of addressing difficult and painful issues, however, some clients may choose not to make art in sessions.